Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Where are you my true love?

How many more to go
Before I see you
Do you even exist?
I thought I knew a few.

I tried to find you
In many around me
Bumped into a few close
Some even bent on their knee.

How many more times
Do I have to fall
How much more hurt?
Before you make the call.

From tree houses to the palaces
What could I do!
Put in all I had cause
Each time, I thought it was you.

One came as a notorious youth
And was quite innocent
But after few years 
That road got bent.

Then was full of maturity
And dreamy air
Got lost on the way
Ended the passing affair.

When came the crazy
Exuberant, passionate brat
I thought- this is it.
But it wasn't just that.

And now I am lost
Don't want to look no more!
When you are here
Try knock on the door!!

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